Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 103-112 | doi: en trámite |
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Estrategias de aprendizaje en los estudios de grado, de primaria en el marco del EEES
Lorena Valdivieso León / Montserrat Marugán de Miguelsanz y Natalia Reoyo Serrano. pp.113-112
The values are the set of substantive elements decisively guiding educational practice understood as fundamentally human phenomenon and that we speak of the ultimate goals of the teachinglearning. Despite its crucial importance and everyday there is no consensus on the ideas and meanings of value. However, they recognize characteristics, properties, size and structure as defined and identified.
In this work we consider, from a plane essentially theoretical, the main elements that have competed in the approach to the problems surrounding the values. Thus, we provide an overview of the value, addressing what is meant by value, identifying what is its structure and major components: the fixed and permanent nature, objectivity, subjectivity, relativity, universality, dynamics, really, need and ideality and clarify those characteristics that give the value a moral sense. Values is then examined from the perspective of psychology. All this in order to help explain and can therefore make educable
Keywords: Values, education, teaching, learning.