Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 257-266 doi:  en trámite
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Reducción de problemas de conducta en educación infantil

Ana Justicia-Arráez / Guadalupe Alba Corredor
/ María Fernández Cabezas / Fernando Justicia Justicia. pp. 257-266


Concern for the development of antisocial behavior during childhood and adolescence has increased in recent years because it’s considered as a prelude to violent and criminal behavior later (Dodge, 2009). Several studies have shown the existence of indicators during childhood that can be used to predict the development of violent behavior during adulthood (Farrington, 2010; Justicia et al. , 2006), which has led to the study of antisocial behavior from a preventive perspective. In this line develops the program Aprender a Convivir, whose aim is the prevention of antisocial behavior through the development of students’ social competence. The following study analyzes the changes both in externalizing and internalizing problems in children of kindergarten after three years of participation in this program that develops the social competence. The data was obtained by through the administration of the Child Behavior Checklist – Teacher Report Form (CBCL-TRF) of Achenbach and Rescorla (2000) . The results show significant reductions in both internalization of problems, as well as in exteriorization of problems and also in the total behavior problems after the three years of intervention.
Keywords: antisocial behavior, conduct problems, social competence, prevention, childhood education.

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