Revista INFAD 2012 |
Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 189-198 | doi: en trámite |
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Las TICS en segundo ciclo de educación infantil
Ana María de Caso / Jana Blanco / Gloria Navas. pp.189-198
In the last few years new technology has become an essential part of our lives. Humans use to be reluctant to accept any kind of change, but if that change offers a better quality of life, we should bet for it through its knowledge and possibilities. So this study aims to review the different kinds of Tics to improve its knowledge and use addressed to children from 3 to 6 years old.
To get it we have made an exhaustive review through different national and international data bases, and we carried out a pilot study with 9 kindergarten teachers which answered to a questionnaire designed to this purpose.
Results confirm the conclusions of the reviewed literature, so it´s appreciated a short of knowledge about Tics, which may cause the little use teachers make of them.
Keywords: Tics, Kindergarden, Educative innovation