Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 141-150 doi:  en trámite
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¿Hacia dónde va el acogimiento residencial?

Francisco Javier Domínguez Alonso. pp. 141-150


The centers of youth and children have fulfilling a work in the family situation, with very controversial outputs and assessments. Recently, an intense debate is taken place about the convenience or not in continuing with the residential centers in Spain. The experts consulted in this matter are exposing the need to disappear these centers. However, the results of this research, coinciding with other research works in the same field, show a less negative horizon in residential centers, where comes up their ability to offer positive responses to the children and youth who need this protection.
Keywords: Foster residential care, institucionalization , Children, Resilience.



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