Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 123-132 doi:  en trámite
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Estrés parental, desarrollo infantil y atención temprana

Julio Pérez-López / Mireia Pérez-Lag / María del Pilar Montealegre Ramón
/ Laura Patricia Perea Velasco. pp. 123-132


Objective: Analyze the relations between the parental stress experienced by fathers and mothers and the children’s cognitive, communicative and motor development.
Method: In the current research participated eighteen children, with their respectively fathers and mothers. All children were attending for the first time at the nursery. Parents filled the questionnaire
of Parental Stress of Abidin (PSI – short form) when their children age were between 12 months 6 days and 29 months 15 days, those children were assessed as well with the BSID-III scales.
Results: The results indicate that mothers use to score higher than parents in the different dimensions of stress, but we only found significant differences between parental distress of the both parents, and the motor development of children which can be affected by maternal stress variables.
Conclusion: The need to carry out prevention and promotion of child development’s programmes, from the field of the primary prevention in early intervention, to provide families with information and protective factors which help them to reduce their levels of parental stress and improve the development quality of their children, is evident.
Keywords: Early intervention, infant development, parental stress, BSID-III


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