Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 113-122 doi:  en trámite
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Estrategias de aprendizaje en los estudios de grado, de primaria en el marco del EEES

Rubén Agustín Rodríguez Cano / Inmaculada Concepción Martínez Sánchez / Lorena Valdivieso León
/ Montserrat Marugán de Miguelsanz y Natalia Reoyo Serrano. pp. 113-122


Due to the deep changes which are taking place at the University as consequence of the adaptation
to the European Higher Education Space (EHES), the role of the student is redefined, as he becomes the protagonist of the learning process. This means that cognitive and emotional components of the learning process must be considered (Valdivieso, Marugán and Reoyo, 2011). In addition, earning strategies applied by students deserves special attention.
In this work, we are concerned with the perceived use of the mentioned strategies for a sample of
students belonging to the Bachelor on Primary School. The links between this variable and academic
performance are also studied. The version developed by Marugán and Román (1997) of the ACRA Scale of Learning Strategies (Román and Gallego, 1994) is used, together with the academic marks.
Results point out that the learning strategies related to the encoding of the information must be
improved. This is necessary in order to build a deeper, elaborated, better memorized knowledge.
This will be useful for the professional future of the student. Strategies to be trained are: diagrams
application, building links between different studied matters and received information, and images
formation. No relation has been found between academic performance and the total scores of learning
Keywords: Learning strategies , academic performance, EEES, Bachelor on Primary School, University.

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