Revista INFAD 2012


Nº1, Vol. 1, pp. 19-28 doi:  en trámite
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Efeito do número de filhos na satisfação conjugal e na vinculação pré-natal materna e paterna.

Ana Paula Forte Camarneiro / João Manuel Rosado de Miranda Justo. pp. 19-26.

Introduction: The couple’s marital satisfaction declines during pregnancy (Belesky, Lang & Rovine, 1985; Parke, 1996), which is closely related to the number of children. It represents an important factor in the prenatal attachment of each parent to the fetus (White, Wilson, Ellander, Persson & 1999). Method: The aims of this study are to compare the marital satisfaction and maternal/paternal prenatal attachment during pregnancy according to the number of children. The sample included 407 women and their partners / husbands. The subjects were asked to answer a socio-demographic questionnaire, the MPAAS (Condon, 1993; adaptation by Camarneiro & Justo, 2010) and the EASAVIC (Narciso & Ribeiro, 2009). A descriptive and correlational cross-sectional study was conducted with application of both univariate and multivariate analyzes, controlling for age and education.
Results: Marital satisfaction is significantly higher in both men and women who do not have children. Maternal attachment to the fetus, both total and in the dimensions, and the quality of the paternal attachment are not influenced by the number of children. The total paternal prenatal attachment and the intensity of paternal preoccupation are significantly higher in men who do not have children.
Discussion/Conclusion: The marital satisfaction of both men and women is higher during the first pregnancy. Maternal prenatal attachment (both total and in the dimensions) is not influenced by parity. In first-time fathers, the total prenatal attachment to the fetus and the intensity of preoccupation is higher. However, the quality of attachment is not affected by the number of children.
Keywords: marital satisfaction, prenatal attachment, number of children.


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