XXVI INFAD Congress of Psychology

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The International Association of Developmental and Educational Psychology of Children, Adolescents, Elderly and Disabled (INFAD) is and represent an International Group of Professors and Researchers very aware of the new realities that the current society is experiencing, of the generational changes incorporated into the culture of our days and the collaboration and help that psychological science can offer to the world today.

The XXVI International Congress of Psychology and Education INFAD, with the theme of “Psychological Positioning: Positive Psychology, Current World and Psycho-Socio-Educational Realities” represents a place of meeting, reflection and scientific approach to the most worrying issues of our time, trying to offer future perspectives. It is a forum in which we all have the opportunity to present our most mature and scientific reflections, our contributions to psychological science from researches being thoroughly thought, worked both with rigor and excellent professional qualification and where we can share with other colleagues and friends our knowledge and conclusions of research that occupies us the most, enriching ourselve and enriching others as well as providing solutions to our society.

This International Congress allows a space where you can provide those first and pioneering research and / or data work in progress, to contrast contributions, opinions, suggestions and offer them to the scientific community. The XXVI International Congress of Psychology and Education aims to synthesize a place where many other researchers, most of them from all Spanish Universities and many other European Universities, bring us the work done, the new lines of research, the illusion, the effort and, above all, the updating of knowledge, a great relevance of current science topics and a huge enthusiasm for sharing knowledge and contributing for new reflections. This Congress promotes the approach and the relationship between the different professionals that participate in it.

The theme of this Congress, based on “Psychological Positioning: Positive Psychology, Current World and Psycho-Socio-Educational Realities”, is very eloquent. Where there is a problem there must be a solution. We must analyze it and give an answer.

The general objectives of the XXVI International Congress of Psychology and Education, are focused around the “Psychological Proposals in Positive” and the fundamental axes of the Congress and aims are:

– Bring together Spanish and foreign specialists to reflect on the role of Psychology before the social difficulties that arise in our current world.

– Present the research carried out, or in progress, on the contributions of Psychology to the field of social difficulties in the following contexts: social, family and educational, values ​​in exchange, etc.

– Start a deep reflection on the current concerns related to the whole psychological field. What does our society ask us for, what does it demand of us on interpersonal relationships, what self-consciousness emerges in the current conditions of socio-cultural development, intergenerational, cross-cultural, technological, reclining, difficult, impoverishing interrelationships? Analyze all this, doing it from the field of Psychology.

– Show the role of the Educational Psychologist.

– Discuss the role of psychologists and their possible intervention in the face of the social difficulties of our days.

– To share and debate the latest theoretical-conceptual, technological-instrumental and technical-practical advances carried out by Spanish, European, American and Asian researchers within the framework of the theme of the congress: “Education, learning and development in a multicultural society”.

– Constitute, expand and / or consolidate international networks of researchers and professionals.

– Promote the exchange between academic psychologists and professional psychologists from the Psychology – in general – but, above all, from the Psychology of Education, and among different categories of teachers/educators.

– Generate some proposed solutions to the problem of the professionalization of educational psychology and the consolidation of the “educational psychologist” within the education system.

– Ensure that the stay in Salamanca is – from all points of view – very scientific and interesting.


October 2018, Salamanca

Dr. Florencio Vicente Castro

President of INFAD Association