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The main INFAD’S contribution in projects, as an International Scientific Association, is the exchange of experiences based on the “Quadruple Helix”, considering the main objective the promotion of both the research and the knowledge transfer.

INFAD can participate in research, data collection at all levels (EU, national, regional and local) and its members represent universities and research centers with sufficient networks to intermediate with business, public institutions,  System and Policy makers and society in general.

For these purposes, INFAD can provide experts in the field of Psychology, Education, disability and other fields closely related to the idea of ​​the project, as well as staff with deep experience in project management.


Going for all those priorities that constitute social advances within the framework of new European policies and contexts.


Strengthening dynamic, operative and always collaborative research methods


Promoting all those projects that contribute to reinforce the scientific excellence of the Association.


Fostering start-ups and business improvement, as a fundamental pillar for society and its development.